24 February 2023

Latest Procurement Activity Plan published as market conditions ease

Latest Procurement Activity Plan published as market conditions ease2

HealthShare Victoria’s latest Procurement Activity Plan (PAP), covering a two-year period from January 2023 through to December 2024, has been published on the HSV website.

Updated every six months, this latest PAP has been refreshed taking into account valuable feedback we received from health services after presenting the draft FY23:H2 PAP in November 2022.

“We welcome feedback and ideas on procurement opportunities from health services at any time – not just during our six-monthly reviews,” says HSV Deputy Director Procurement Sandra Ireland.

“We were very grateful for all health service input on the draft PAP, and the feedback certainly informed the direction we took in developing it,” she says.

The next iteration of the PAP for FY24:H1 coincides with the beginning of a new phase for HSV’s sourcing operations as they start to return to normal following an extremely challenging few years for health sector procurement – and a hectic end to 2022.

“Procurement activities that were put on hold due to the pandemic were able to resume again in late 2022, which led to a very significant amount of work flowing through HSV and onto health services," says Sandra.

“This was on top of higher than usual requests for pricing increases from suppliers, due to challenging economic conditions we saw last year.”

“We investigate each supplier request individually, examining supporting and benchmarking data and considering global supply chain factors to help ensure we can negotiate the best possible position.”

“The backlog of delayed procurement activity is now easing and our sourcing operations are beginning to return to normal as 2023 gets underway.”

“We look forward to improving our service levels and processes now things are settling down, however we acknowledge that many health services are still experiencing heightened workloads,” says Sandra.

“This can have a flow-on effect to our sourcing activities as we rely on health service support in several ways, including their expertise for reference groups, input on our PAPs and implementation of changes or updated contract information.”

We have already begun work on the next iteration of the PAP and will be in touch in the coming months with a draft plan and more information.

In the meantime, for more information about the PAP and to provide suggestions on potential sourcing opportunities, please contact your HSV Customer Relationship Manager.