Our legislative functions

The Health Services Act

Health Purchasing Victoria (HPV) was established in 2001 as an independent statutory authority under subsection 129(1) of the Health Services Act 1988 (Vic) to improve the collective purchasing power of Victorian public health services and hospitals.

Under subsection 134(1) of the Act, HPV was given authority to prepare, make, amend and revoke instruments, know as 'purchasing policies', with respect to policies and practices (including probity) relating to the supply of goods and services to public hospitals and the management and disposal of goods by public hospitals.

In January 2021, Health Purchasing Victoria (HPV) became know as HealthShare Victoria (HSV) with the introduction of a logistics function.

Our role is to:

  • monitor compliance by public health services with purchasing policies and HSV directions, and report irregularities to the Victorian Minister for Health
  • ensure probity is maintained in purchasing, tendering and contracting activities in public health services
  • develop, implement and review policies and practices to promote best value outcomes and probity practices.
  • provide advice, training and consultancy services in relation to the supply of goods and services and the management and disposal of goods to certain public health services.

The Modern Slavery Act 

Under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) health services may be required to submit an annual Modern Slavery Statement to the Australian Government. The Act applies to health services that have annual consolidated revenue of at least AU$100 million.

This is to ensure that suppliers to Victorian public health services use are not involved in modern slavery.

HSV provides support and guidance on reducing modern slavery risk in health service supply chains in an advisory and consultancy capacity under the Health Services Act 1988 (Vic).

Our role is to:



Content reviewed: May 2024