26 June 2023

Latest Procurement Activity Plan published

HealthShare Victoria’s latest Procurement Activity Plan (PAP), covering a two-year period from July 2023 through to June 2025, has been published on the HSV website.

Updated every six months, the latest PAP has been refreshed to include feedback from health services following presentation of the draft FY24:H1 PAP in May 2023.

HSV Deputy Director Procurement Sandra Ireland says the backlog of delayed procurement activity caused by the pandemic is now easing.

“Our sourcing operations are returning to normal with a number of greenfield activities planned over the coming years,” Sandra says.

“We are still experiencing higher than usual requests for pricing increases from suppliers due to challenging economic conditions.”

We investigate each supplier request individually, examining supporting and benchmarking data and considering global supply chain factors to help ensure we can negotiate the best possible position.

“We will soon begin work on the next iteration of the PAP and will be in touch with a draft plan and further information in the next few months,” says Sandra.

“We’re very grateful to the 39 health services that provided feedback on the draft PAP. HSV will respond to each of those health services individually in the coming weeks.”

For more information about the PAP or to provide suggestions on potential sourcing opportunities, please contact your HSV Customer Relationship Manager.