29 July 2022

Customer survey shows improvement in satisfaction and engagement

HSV’s 2022 customer survey scores show strong improvement in customer satisfaction levels compared to the last survey scores in October 2020.

Mike McCrabb and Kim Walsh Customer survey4

Our overall satisfaction rating was 79 per cent, a significant increase on the previous satisfaction rating of 63 per cent recorded when HSV was operating as Health Purchasing Victoria (HPV).

The survey asked customers about their satisfaction with HSV services, communication channels, resources and online training.

Health service employees who have interacted with HSV in the past 18 months were invited to participate in the survey, with 272 responses received along with 425 comments and 172 suggestions for improvement.

“HSV works on many levels to deliver benefits to health services and our engagement with health services strengthened during the COVID-19 pandemic,” says HSV Director Customer Engagement Alfred Matthews.

Pandemic-related activity led by HSV includes:

  • whole of government procurement of rapid antigen test kits  
  • surety activities to ensure consistent access to health-related products without disruption
  • sourcing critical Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and supporting State Supply Chain operations
  • establishing a Product Information Library for health service employees to access information about PPE items
  • coordinating a fit testing program to increase clinician safety at health services
  • Code Brown support involving HSV employees assisting by backfilling health service roles.

Despite the disruption to normal activities caused by the pandemic, HSV’s statewide purchasing agreements are forecast to generate savings and benefits for health services of over $158 million in FY22.

“We would like to thank everyone who completed the survey and who took the time to provide detailed comments and suggestions,” says Alfred.

“Health service feedback about our services and programs is extremely valuable and we’re very pleased overall satisfaction ratings have increased.

“We’re reviewing all responses and developing an action plan in response to the feedback we have received so that we can keep improving the support we provide,” says Alfred.

“Specific focus areas include reviewing HSV’s policy and compliance requirements, improving contract management support and doing more to help health services realise the benefits of collective agreements.”

HSV has developed an action plan in response to feedback received and will schedule health service focus group meetings to discuss the proposed actions.