16 December 2022

Clinical collaboration at the heart of CSR Cardiology pilot

Clinical collaboration at heart of CSR Cardiology pilot2

A proactive health sector initiative to roll out a Critical Supply Register (CSR) to identify and manage supply chain risks for critical products involves deep collaboration between HSV, clinicians, health sector and government stakeholders.

The development of the CSR has commenced with a pilot focused on Cardiology.

“The complexity and scale of products that are supplied into Victoria’s public health system is huge, so we need to break it into manageable chunks and identify where to prioritise,” says HSV Director Supply Chain Surety Kate Warren.

“To better understand which products are critical to cardiology, it is really important that the heart surgeons and other specialists responsible for providing patient care have direct input into the CSR’s development,” she says.

The CSR is helping to proactively manage supply chain risk and is a current focus for HSV in maintaining security of supply to minimise disruption to patient care. Its development is informed by discussions with clinicians, health services, the Department of Health and Safer Care Victoria.

“Through the CSR we are going to identify a list of product items used in cardiology procedures that must always be available, and without which there may be risk of harm to a patient,” Kate says.

HSV is making use of health service activity data to identify key clinical specialties and functional areas.

“The Cardiology Clinical Advisory Group has developed a list of critical items. We have carried out risk assessments on these products and are developing risk mitigation strategies,” says Kate.

“Understanding the risks will help us put in place strategies – such as changing supplier contract terms, requiring suppliers to hold stock on shore, or bulk purchase and store locally – to support a rapid and system-wide response to disruption.”

A Pharmaceutical Advisory Group has commenced work to develop a list of critical medicines.

“Further CSR modules will commence early in 2023 – ICU in February and Dialysis in March – and have already started clinical engagement in these areas,” says Kate.

HSV is now exploring ways to operationalise the CSR and establish a sustainable approach to supply chain risk mitigation.