HSV Health Purchasing Policies training
We have developed the HSV Health Purchasing Policies (HSV PPs) short course to educate Victorian public health services on the HSV PPs and their requirements.
The training includes:
- HSV Purchasing Policy 1 Governance.
- HSV Purchasing Policy 2 Strategic Analysis.
- HSV Purchasing Policy 3 Market Approach.
- HSV Purchasing Policy 4 Contract Management and Asset Disposal.
- HSV Purchasing Policy 5 Collective Purchasing and Supply Chain.
The HSV PPs guide health services on best-practice procurement and include information on:
- greater oversight of government spending
- a principles-based approach to implementing probity strategy into internal procurement practices
- simplified processes.
- value for money.
The HSV PPs training supports health services to meet their obligations under the Health Services Act 1988 (Vic) and the HSV PPs.
Access the training
Training is provided via HSV's ECHO eLearning platform. To access ECHO:
If you already have an HSV website account
- Log into the HSV website via the 'Log in' option in the main navigation.
- From your My Dashboard home page select 'ECHO'.
- Once inside ECHO, select ‘My Learning’ from the menu to access courses.
If you don’t have an HSV website account
- Select the 'Register' option in the main navigation
- Within the registration form, select 'Health Service' as your user type.
- Within the registration form, check the box for access to ECHO training.
Read the ECHO user guide for more information on the ECHO eLearning platform.