19 November 2021

Strategic goals shared at September briefings

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HealthShare Victoria (HSV) presented our strategic goals to Victoria’s public health services in a series of briefings in September, to highlight our priorities and support greater sector understanding of our strategic direction.

Targeted at metropolitan, regional and rural health services and eligible services, the presentations included our strategies for transforming HSV with improved IT-related data and security. They focused on outlining the details of activities underway to establish an end-to-end supply chain, drive a new supply chain surety function and achieve $838 million in savings and benefits by 2025.

HSV Chief Executive Neil Rodaway also presented on our vision, values and principles to further understanding of our organisation.

“Our vision of ‘Health.Safety.Value. In everything we do.’ is encapsulated in our organisational values, which are to be customer-centric, accountable, respectful, solutions-focused and open,” says HSV Chief Executive Neil Rodaway.

“We are not only focused on embedding these attributes across HSV but also underlining our focus on safety.”
Please follow this link for more information about HSV and our vision, values and principles.