26 September 2023

Tender review process to be rolled out across HSV procurement streams

A post-tender review will be implemented across all HSV procurement streams after significant improvements were identified by the Procurement team.

Improvements to the invitation to supply (ITS) process were identified during an internal post-implementation review of the Continence Management Products ITS, which concluded in August.

HSV Deputy Director Procurement Sandra Ireland says the review was a valuable process that helped identify issues to be addressed, as well as successful systems that can be replicated across other procurement streams.

One area highlighted for review by health services was the product evaluation process.

Sandra says it’s important that health service representatives can engage with the process and provide a face-to-face evaluation of products.

“On this occasion, because Product Reference Groups (PRGs) were held at our Casselden office in the weeks following the Easter holidays, it had an impact on participants’ availability.

During the review we were able to reflect on the timing and assess when and where future product evaluations should take place,” she says.

Significant delays to the ITS process occurred largely due to COVID, inconsistencies in the pricing schedule and a high number of deviations from standard contract clauses requested by several suppliers. 

Positive outcomes were also identified, such as good collaboration between HSV teams which allowed commercial and clinical information to be communicated to health services in a timely manner, and the appointment of more suppliers to the panel.

The new continence management products contract includes a panel of 41 suppliers compared with 28 under the previous contract.

“Health services now have a wider range of options to choose from, including access to lower-cost products,” says Sandra.

“HSV’s priority is to ensure health services receive the best value as well as the right product in the right place at the right time.”

Other actions identified in the review include developing a RACI matrix, to define those who should be responsible, accountable, consulted and informed for all ITS activities, and improving processes for gathering PRG feedback, both at the start of the ITS workflow and during product evaluation and award review phases.

Teams from across HSV took part in the post-implementation review which included feedback and input from clinical staff, health services and suppliers.