2 September 2021

Strong and positive response to HSV’s first Procurement Activity Plan

HSV Environmental 19

HealthShare Victoria (HSV) shared our revised Procurement Activity Plan (PAP) and approach to procurement activity planning at a presentation on 13 July 2021, at the same time launching the initial round of health service consultation with mandated health services.

Now established, the new PAP gives health services more frequent, regular opportunities to provide input, feedback and guidance on planned activities and procurement priorities.

More than 70 per cent of health services responded to HSV’s request for input into our first PAP, reflecting our highest-ever level of engagement and overall strong support for HSV procurement planning.

The majority of health service feedback has been positive, with detailed responses indicating that our strategy is aligning well with Victoria’s public health sector.

The PAP is also now available on HSV’s website, reflecting feedback from 13 metropolitan and 36 regional health services. We are also responding individually to health services to provide further detail on the actions we are taking in response to their input and to ensure strategic alignment.

“Health service feedback has been overwhelmingly positive about the increased consultation we have undertaken in planning our first-ever PAP,” says HSV Director Procurement Joe Neill.

“It has also identified some opportunities we had already considered, some that we will review for possible inclusion in the six-monthly PAP review or an opportunity assessment, and others that we have now excluded following a value for money assessment,” he says.

“Health services have also told us they value transparency around previously assessed opportunities, so that they have a chance to provide additional input on those activities.”

With our first PAP now available online, HSV’s Customer Engagement and Procurement teams are continuing to meet with health services to discuss their feedback and next steps in the lead-up to the next review phase in six months.

For more information, please contact a HSV Customer Relationship Manager or the HSV helpdesk on (03) 9947 3700 or email helpdesk@healthsharevic.org.au.