30 May 2022

Next steps for the Health Purchasing Policies (HPP) review

HealthShare Victoria (HSV) has a legislative responsibility to develop, implement and review procurement policies to ensure Victorian health services meet probity and best practice purchasing practices.

The five Health Purchasing Policies (HPPs) set robust parameters specifically for the health sector and offer a principles-based approach to implementing probity strategy to internal procurement practices. They are also aligned with the Whole of Victorian Government approach.

Following an invitation from HSV to all Victorian public health services to participate in a review of the policies, HSV formed a working group with 12 health service representatives. The working group has reviewed and provided feedback over four workshops and proposed updates to the HPPs.

HSV Executive Director of Finance, Risk and Governance John Delinaoum says health service feedback is a critical part of the review.

“We greatly appreciate the support and involvement of health service employees and I would like to thank everyone who has been involved,” says John.

“Victorian health services differ greatly in size and operations, and it’s important that we have input from as many as possible.

“These policies need to help all types of health services meet their value for money, probity and best-practice requirements,” he says.

The HPP review aims to ensure that HSV’s five health purchasing policies remain fit for purpose by offering a robust set of parameters to assess health service compliance. This initiative is part of HSV’s priority to develop an expanded supply chain for Victoria’s public health services.

The proposed updated HPPs are now being prepared and reviewed and will be available more broadly in the coming weeks for further consultation.

If you have any comments or questions about the HPP review, please contact the HSV Customer Relationship Manager in your region or the Compliance Team at compliance@healthsharevic.org.au.