26 June 2023

New Victorian reference group established to address medicine shortages

New Victorian reference group established to address medicine shortages 2

HSV has established a new Victorian reference group to address medicine shortages in collaboration with directors of pharmacy.

The Victorian Medicines Availability Reference Group will enable a faster and more coordinated response to emerging supply issues by providing early warning of supply risks, guidance on medicine substitution and insights on patient care.

The aim of the group, established earlier this month, is to share insights into supply risks for medicines with a significant or statewide impact, such as the recent IV contrast fluid and tenecteplase shortages.

Supply Chain Surety Director Kate Warren says having this forum will give HSV access to expert clinical advice so that it can improve the effectiveness of risk mitigation strategies.

“The current approach to medicine shortages is very localised and requires a huge effort from health services. Our objective is to remove that duplication of effort, alleviating pressure on hospitals and the supply chain,” says Kate.

HSV’s Supply Chain Surety team has established a risk assessment and incident management framework for statewide supply disruptions, the scope of which is not limited to products under HSV contract.

The team also works with suppliers to gain insight into the root causes of shortages and how long they are likely to last.

Concerns about medicine shortages will be shared with the National Medicines Availability Working Group (MAWG) which is chaired by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

The Victorian Medicines Availability Reference Group has representatives from health services across Victoria.

To contact HSV’s Supply Chain Surety team about a supply issue please email supplychainsurety@healthsharevic.org.au.