28 October 2022

New modern slavery training for health services

New modern slavery training modules will be available from early November 2022 to help health service employees identify and address modern slavery risks.

HSV developed the online modules to assist health services to better understand modern slavery, respond to the mandatory reporting criteria of the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) and prepare modern slavery statements.

“The new modules will help learners gain or consolidate their knowledge, including prevalence and indicators of modern slavery, forms of exploitation, and health sector product and service risks,” says HSV Senior Manager, Modern Slavery Risk, Sunil Rao.

“The content is accessible and interactive and learners can complete the modules at their own pace,” he says.

The new modules cover:

  • an explanation of modern slavery (forms of exploitation)
  • indicators of a potential modern slavery situation
  • prevalence of modern slavery
  • health sector product and service risks
  • Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth)
  • preparing modern slavery statements.

Health services will be able to access the modules from 2 November 2022 through HSV’s ECHO Platform or their health service’s Learning Management System (LMS) if available. HSV can now integrate online learning with a health service’s LMS, providing full access to employees’ learning training progress and status.

For further information or support, please contact a HSV Customer Relationship Manager or the HSV Modern Slavery Risk Manager at modernslavery@healthsharevic.org.au.