4 March 2021

New helpdesk email address

Jackson Helpdesk3

As part of our transition to HealthShare Victoria, we are simplifying our helpdesk system: one single email address will replace all previous ‘hpv.zendesk.com’ email addresses.

The new email address is helpdesk@healthsharevic.org.au. This address is now active and can be used for all questions and enquiries.

“With our recent transition, we took the opportunity to streamline our customer service experience,” says HSV Customer Engagement Director Alfred Matthews.

“Regardless of where your enquiry is coming from or what it’s about, now we have one central email address from which all requests will be triaged for prompt attention from the correct team.”

To support this change, please remove all hpv.zendesk email addresses from your email contacts.

Health services that have a purple sticker from HPV with the old helpdesk email address on it, should discard it.

If you have any questions please email helpdesk@healthsharevic.org.au.