3 September 2021

HSV’s discovery workshops support project reset

A focus on better understanding the specific needs of individual health services is at the heart of a series of HealthShare Victoria (HSV) workshops held from late July to early August to support the implementation of expanded supply chain operations.

The workshops form part of our work to implement the Financial Management Information System (FMIS) that will underpin our expanded supply chain operations, helping to ensure a successful outcome and greater end user involvement in the project by revisiting some aspects of the implementation.

System implementation is expected to be completed by the end of 2021.

The workshops have been well attended by health service representatives and are integral to the FMIS solution design, which will enable:

  • optimised stock and inventory management
  • reduced administrative burden for health services and suppliers
  • improved visibility of supply chain operations for individual health services.

“We would like to thank all those involved for their valuable contribution, which supports our detailed understanding of health service FMIS requirements,” says HSV Director Customer Engagement Alfred Matthews.

“Ultimately, this critical input will assist us in delivering the most beneficial system to meet health service needs and we look forward to keeping everyone who participated updated as we progress through the design stage,” says Alfred.

The solution design is now well underway for new aspects of the program, including external fulfilment, and work will continue in parallel with a series of follow-up sessions to address topics requiring further discussion that had been identified in the health service workshops.