25 June 2021

HSV procurement approach to increase health service involvement, transparency and information

Story 3 HSV procurement approach to increase health service involvement2

HSV is changing our approach to procurement activity planning with an aim to improve visibility of our procurement program up to two years in advance and drive increased health service input into proposed activities and priorities.

Key points:

  • HSV's new Procurement Activity Plan (PAP) is the key plank of a more consultative approach to procurement activity planning.
  • HSV will update its procurement activity outlook every six months.
  • The new approach gives health services greater opportunities to provide input, feedback and guidance.

HSV's new Procurement Activity Plan (PAP) is the key plank of a more consultative approach to procurement activity planning, which involves updating its detailed procurement activity outlook every six months and providing more detail about the underlying strategy behind procurement categories.

The new approach gives health services greater opportunities to provide input, feedback and guidance on existing planned activities and other procurement priorities with the greatest value to them – predominantly, but not solely, financial.

"In responding to health service feedback about our annual sourcing program, we are looking to adopt a more flexible, agile approach to activity planning that will allow for appropriate health service recommendations to be included in our program of work," says HSV Director Procurement Joe Neill.

"Undertaking rolling updates will enable us to take health service revisions on board in a more flexible way, especially their feedback on what additional procurement opportunities they believe we should be pursuing.

"Importantly, it reflects the importance of HSV’s collaborative approach to working with health services that will better enable us to achieve our savings target over the five years to FY25," Joe says.

"While health services would previously have seen HSV’s Confirmed Annual Sourcing Plan (CASP) by this time of year – which we appreciate is critical to their planning – our adoption of a different approach will provide greater opportunities for health service input into our procurement activity planning. The timing of this initial more detailed PAP process is delayed from the previous CASP timetable."

Alongside the ongoing review and development of the PAP, HSV is looking to create a reporting framework to support activity achievement and status over the previous six-month period.

This new PAP planning and reporting format will be able to be integrated with health services' own PAPs as they are progressed in the coming months.

For more information about HSV’s PAP, contact a HSV Customer Relationship Manager or the HSV helpdesk on (03) 9947 3700 or email helpdesk@healthsharevic.org.au.