18 December 2023

HSV monitors supply of specialised antibiotics during global shortage

HSV monitors supply of specialised antibiotics during global shortage

HSV is closely monitoring and managing supplies of Bicillin L-A, an antibiotic used to treat rheumatic fever, syphilis and streptococcal infections, after an increase in demand led to global shortages.

Supplies of the medication, not available under HSV contracts, have been disrupted globally throughout 2023 due to increased demand and more syphilis diagnoses, according to manufacturer Pfizer.

Supply Chain Surety Director Kate Warren said when the supply issue was raised as a concern by Pfizer in November, the team sought advice and notified health services and national authorities.

“We consulted with the Victorian Medicines Availability Working Group to gather clinical and operational advice on the impacts of the shortage,” she said.

The team then shared this information with the National Medicines Availability Working Group and the Therapeutic Goods Administration.

According to Pfizer Australia, availability is expected to improve by March 2024, but it could take longer for supplies to stabilise.

Health services such as Alfred Health which runs the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre, a specialised unit for the diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmissible infections, have been impacted by the shortage.

Kate says the team is working closely with affected health services, to provide them with anticipated delivery updates, details of supply prioritisation and information on alternate products.

In the meantime, where appropriate, health services are asked to use the recommended alternative of benzathine benzyl penicillin from Orspec Pharma, which contains the same active ingredients as Bicillin L-A.

Bicillin L-A (benzathine benzyl penicillin) is a specialised antibiotic that’s been identified as a critical medicine to First Nations People, as it’s used to treat conditions prevalent in Aboriginal communities such as rheumatic heart disease.

Health services may access the alternative product approved for supply under Section 19A by contacting Orspec Pharma on phone +61 24 339 4239 or e-mail customerservice@orspecpharma.com.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact HSV’s Supply Chain Surety team on supplychainsurety@healthsharevic.org.au.