18 December 2023

HSV IT contract attracts more than 100,000 users in 12 months

HSV IT contract attracts more than 100000 users in 12 months

HSV’s contract for SAP SuccessFactors, a human resources cloud-based information system, has grown to more than 110,000 users since it was first launched in January 2023.

A core bundle of SuccessFactors modules was tailored to suit hospital requirements by HSV’s IT Procurement team, resulting in a more affordable and nimble system that health services could adjust to suit their needs.

The core bundle includes a central repository for employee data and an interface that streamlines recruitment, onboarding, and performance processes.

HSV Head of Sourcing IT John McKinlay says all large metropolitan and regional health services in Victoria have signed up to the contract, taking the number of core bundle licences to more than 110,000 in a relatively short period.

“The first health service signed up in January and within just one year we’ve experienced phenomenal growth.

This will be the first time that most hospitals in Victoria have the same core HR system, helping provide a common platform for recruitment and onboarding across the sector,” he says.

As reported last month, eligible services are also benefiting from the contracts and experiencing significant cost savings.

Prior to accessing the SAP contracts, health services typically used different platforms for each of their human resource functions such as learning and development, onboarding and recruitment.

“SuccessFactors is a leading global system with everything included – it’s a one-stop shop,” says John.

Western Health Project Manager, People Connect, Michael Garnett says the organisation will benefit from digitising each of its HR processes.

“We’re currently doing user acceptance testing and we’ve already noticed how centralised everything is, which is a huge time saver for us,” he said.

"There are major benefits such as improved data analytics and reporting and a better experience for our people, which leads to a happier workforce.”

Austin Health Director HRIS Projects Kelvin McBride said the SAP platform is helping to modernise the organisation’s HR system across its 11,000-strong workforce, improving the onboarding experience and recruitment process.

HSV ran two separate tenders for the SAP SuccessFactors licenses and system implementation partners.  

“It’s a significant investment into our corporate systems and it’s important for us to make sure that the money is well spent. This will be transformational for us because our processes were ageing and needed refreshing,” Kelvin said.