28 July 2022
HSV builds logistics team and capability
HealthShare Victoria (HSV) has been busy building logistics capability to prepare for the expansion of our supply chain services across the public hospital sector in Victoria.

“We’ve been bringing a team together throughout 2022 with the skills and experience to lead delivery of supply chain services to our current and future customers,” says HSV Executive Director Supply Chain Mili Cohen.
“The logistics team is based at HSV’s Derrimut Distribution Centre which is central to our work to consolidate Victoria’s public health sector supply chain,” says Mili.
HSV’s first health service customers from the Royal Melbourne Hospital group currently collectively order 30 per cent of goods required by public hospitals in Victoria.
Stock managed by HSV will continue to increase as we extend our supply chain services to other metropolitan, regional and rural health services statewide.
HSV Logistics Director Armin Odobasic has operational responsibility for HSV’s warehousing, transport and distribution and is focused on maintaining service while building capacity.
“We’re very happy we were able to bring the former Melbourne Health Logistics team into our new operations, which has ensured consistency of service for our customers,” Armin says.
“As we prepare to expand our services, our senior logistics team is focused on building our operations and embedding best practice methodology in everything we do.
“We are dedicated to continuously improving our capability across all facets of our operation, and safety and wellbeing are always front of mind. We understand and respect the critical nature of the products we supply. Making sure we deliver on our customers’ expectations without fail – while we continue to grow and scale our operations – is our primary focus,” Armin says.
Over the coming weeks and months, the DC team will continue to focus on upskilling while integrating and refining the operational processes already in place.
Read on to find out more about each team member’s responsibilities.
Logistics Director - Armin Odobasic
Armin has assumed full operational responsibility for HSV’s warehousing, transport and distribution functions. Armin oversees a logistics team of 42 and is the primary point of contact for any operational or facility questions.
Head of Customer Operations - Santo Cavaleri
Santo leads our Customer Operations team of 11, which will continue to grow as HSV onboards more customers. Santo makes sure our customers’ needs are met and will develop the service metrics that will align and support customer service level agreements. He brings a wealth of sector knowledge to the broader team and oversees all contact with customers, including product substitution and backorders.
Head of Performance and Insights John Stewart
John leads our newly created Performance and Insights team who make sure we have the data we need to manage supplier throughput as well as leading logistics reporting, planning tools, transport route optimisation and future volume modelling. The Performance and Insights team continues to grow and our Supply Chain Surety and Procurement functions will also use their data and analysis.
Supply Chain Contracts and Commercial Manager – Alex Wilson
Alex ensures our contracts with customers are fit for purpose and works with HSV’s Strategy and Commercial team to develop commercial models for the logistics streams – primarily in warehousing and transport. Alex is also heavily involved in customer implementation planning and operational ownership of third party service level agreements, and works closely with the Procurement Director to provide commercial support and procurement expertise.
Head of Demand and Supply Planning – Andy Fang
Andy leads our Demand and Supply Planning function, which is critical to the delivery of HSV’s objectives as it is responsible for health service and State Supply Chain stock under HSV control. The team will be responsible for forecasting and maintaining accurate stock levels in HSV’s distribution centre, as well as working with Procurement to identify product rationalisation opportunities and product alternative processes.
Head of Supply Chain Systems – Geoff Mayor
Geoff will lead the scoping, design and implementation processes pertaining to supply chain systems, primarily focusing on the Warehouse Management System (WMS) and associated modules such as transport management, labour management, demand and supply platforms and the systematic integration of external parties (HSV’s third party logistics providers).