30 August 2023

How valuable health service feedback shapes HSV procurement activities

How valuable health service feedback shapes HSV procurement activities2

HealthShare Victoria (HSV) recently published the latest Procurement Activity Plan (PAP), which covers the two-year period from July 2023 to June 2025.

Following the release of the draft PAP to the sector in May 2023, we received 586 individual pieces of feedback from 34 health services on the proposed PAP activities.

“We were very grateful for all the feedback provided by health services in response to the draft PAP, and we considered and responded to every unique piece of feedback,” says HSV Deputy Director Procurement Sandra Ireland. 

While we have contacted health services individually to circle back on their comments, here is a snapshot of some overall themes reflected in the feedback along with HSV’s responses:

  • General contract management issues were highlighted, which will be followed up, we encourage this feedback throughout the contract life and during reference group meetings.
  • HSV timeliness was raised as an issue for greenfield activities – HSV takes this feedback on board and is looking at internal operational efficiencies where relevant.  
  • There were requests to extend the scope of existing cluster arrangements to enable access by more health services, which we will follow up.
  • Health services identified additional opportunities or scope expansions in pharmaceuticals, payroll services, bulk linen purchases and essential safety measures, which we appreciate and will investigate.
  • Several health services expressed interest in financial reporting and budget software, which may become a group buy activity, as well as asset management software.  HSV has already actioned this with a call for reference group nominations issued on 17 August 2023. 
  • A proposed centralised pharmacy software system attracted many comments – a centralised model pilot is under consideration. 
  • There were suggestions for HSV to act as a repository for equipment specifications and manuals, which we agree is of value and will follow up.
  • There was overall support for agency labour (clinical, support and non-clinical), with requests to expand this service to regions – we are exploring expanding coverage as part of our market approach strategy.
  • There was a difference in support for building services between metropolitan and regional health services – we appreciate all feedback and will work with regional health services to obtain value while supporting local jobs and social and sustainable procurement.

It’s not only through PAP feedback that health services provide valuable guidance on HSV procurement activities – at the beginning of this year we began using health service contract registers to identify opportunities aligned with health services’ timeframes and priorities.

“We use the indispensable information in the contract registers to focus on the engagement activities and collective agreements that best meet health service needs and add further value for Victoria’s health sector,” Sandra says.

For an even deeper dive into specific categories and greater influence on the products we procure, we encourage health services to participate in HSV’s reference groups.

“Reference group meetings are tailored to specific skill sets to make the best use of participants’ time,” notes Sandra.

“As well as product/service evaluations, they cover strategic planning and operational requirements.”

With the PAP being refreshed every six months, we have commenced the internal process for the FY24:H1 PAP and look forward to sharing the draft with health services in Q2 FY24.

We welcome health service suggestions on potential sourcing opportunities at any time. For more information about HSV’s procurement activities or to find out about joining a reference group, please contact your HSV Customer Relationship Manager.