29 July 2022

High health service satisfaction with Modern Slavery program

SwedWatch Healthier Procurement March 2015 6

A recent survey of 26 health services has revealed high levels of satisfaction with HSV’s Modern Slavery program of work, including 87 per cent of respondents reporting an increase in knowledge about their responsibilities.

“It’s very pleasing to see these high levels of satisfaction and the tangible benefits that HSV has been able to deliver as part of our Modern Slavery program of work for the sector,” says HSV Executive Director of Finance, Risk and Governance John Delinaoum.

“The most important feedback is that we have made a difference by increasing their knowledge about their responsibilities under the Modern Slavery Act,” John says.

HSV guides and supports health services to meet their operational and reporting compliance requirements, including providing tailored tools and resources for conducting modern slavery risk assessments, as well as convening monthly community of learning (CoL) forums to share key information and promote collaboration.

In the 2021-22 financial year there were 26 health services in the CoL, with an average of 21 health services participating in nine forums.

HSV conducted the survey in June 2022 and results for other measures also demonstrate high levels of satisfaction:

  • 87 per cent overall satisfaction with the content, quality, and presenter’s technical knowledge in relation to the CoL
  • 88 per cent overall satisfaction with the modern slavery program
  • 67 per cent found support resources beneficial
  • 73 per cent found supplier risk assessments beneficial
  • 87 per cent rating by health services for support provided by HSV’s Modern Slavery Risk Manager.

The purpose of the CoL is to:

  • connect HSV and health services and enable learning and discussion on modern slavery and the requirements of the MSA
  • share leading practice in identifying, assessing, addressing, and reporting on modern slavery risks
  • support health services in responding to modern slavery risks.

For further information or support, please contact your HSV Customer Relationship Manager or HSV’s Modern Slavery Risk Manager at modernslavery@healthsharevic.org.au.

 Photo: [2015] Swedwatch - www.swedwatch.org