2 September 2022

Health Purchasing Policies amendments update

HSV proposed amendments to the HSV Health Purchasing Polices (HPPs) in July 2022 following significant engagement and consultation, including a series of workshops with health service representatives.

The HPPs have been updated to better align with the Victorian Government Purchasing Board (VGPB) supply policies and to reduce the regulatory burden on small and medium sized health services.

The changes will help health services drive greater value for money and improve probity and best-practice procurement.

HSV circulated the revised HPPs for review in August. They are currently being updated in response to additional health service feedback, with a planned HSV Board review and approval in early October 2022.

Once approved the HPPs will be gazetted and a schedule put in place to assist health services to prepare for the transition. The schedule includes a series of HPP roadshows hosted by HSV later in 2022 and early 2023 for those intending to transition early next year.

HSV will offer further sessions throughout 2023 for services intending to transition slightly later. Sessions will also be provided for health services’ internal audit functions as well as interested auditors to assist them in preparing for the changes.

Templates and guidelines are already being created to assist with the transition and further details, including information and training session times, will be provided in coming weeks.

HSV has produced a summary of the proposed key changes to the HPPs. To obtain a copy of the Health Purchasing Policies 2022 Key Changes Guide, please contact the HSV Compliance Team at compliance@healthsharevic.org.au.