11 March 2022

Exemption for self-assessment and reporting FY 2021-22

In line with our commitment to support health services during the COVID-19 pandemic, HSV has applied an exemption to the following reporting requirements for mandated health services for the financial year 2021-22.

  • Annual attestation reporting requirement at subparagraph 3.3(b) of Health Purchasing Policy 1: Procurement Governance (HPP1). The exemption means there is no requirement for a statement in annual reports for FY2021-22.
  • Annual self-assessment reporting requirement at subparagraph 3.3(c) of HPP1.

Notice of this exemption was published on page 668 of the Victorian Government Gazette on 17 February 2022.

Victoria was placed in a State of Emergency on 16 March 2020, which triggered the critical incident that enables health services to buy non-HSV contracted products and services. This means assessment of compliance does not achieve the intent of the reporting requirement. This was extended by the pandemic declaration that came into force on 15 December 2021, allowing health services to continue to buy non-HSV contracted products and services.

While an exemption is in place for the annual attestation and annual self-assessment, those health services due to undertake a triennial audit against the Health Purchasing Policies will now find the Chief Procurement Officer Compliance Portal open. Audit reports are due by 30 June 2022.

Please speak with your HSV Customer Relationship Manager or contact the Compliance Team at compliance@healthsharevic.org.au if you have any questions or require assistance to achieve the audit submission date.