18 December 2023

Detailed feedback received on latest HSV draft Procurement Activity Plan

Detailed feedback received on latest HSV draft Procurement Activity Plan

HealthShare Victoria’s latest draft Procurement Activity Plan (PAP), covering the two-year period from January 2024 to December 2025, has attracted detailed feedback from 67 health services, including mandated and eligible services, representing a response rate of 89 per cent.  

The latest PAP is being finalised, taking into consideration valuable feedback received from health services following its presentation in October 2023. 

Deputy Director Procurement Sandra Ireland says the PAP refresh documents HSV’s two-year horizon of activities.

“It covers a range of key contract management activities to optimise public health commercial and operational outcomes, so ensuring we have detailed health service feedback on our draft plan is vital,” she says.

“Receiving direct feedback from health services provides us with valuable information about their immediate and future requirements and the impacts and complex considerations involved when procuring these items.”   

Health services responded with detailed feedback on over 20 separate categories. The categories of brokered services, cleaning, grounds and pest control, courier services, financial reporting and budget software as well as digital identity licencing and lone worker safety/duress alarms all received significant interest, with interest in other categories varying depending on the health service. The feedback also helped to identify four future sourcing opportunities.  

“All feedback is examined by the relevant procurement stream and prioritised in terms of opportunity size and sector support,” says Sandra. 

“Health service feedback is reviewed in detail as the PAP is finalised, and individual responses will be provided to each health service.”

The HSV Customer Engagement Teams continue to meet with health services to understand and incorporate new feedback into the PAP and ensure ongoing alignment with the agreed plan.

“We thank everyone involved in the process, which we continue to review so that we can improve opportunities for health services to share their experiences and feedback,” Sandra says.  

HSV will continue to identify and mitigate cost increases amid challenging economic conditions and extend total spend under statewide agreements.

HSV is also seeking health service participation in reference groups, validating data and implementing contracts when they are established in order to realise projected benefits.

The next PAP refresh covering the FY25:H1 period is scheduled for May 2024.