30 August 2023

Customer Survey action plan to address 2023 key findings gets underway

Customer Survey action plan to address 2023 key findings gets underway 2

Outcomes from HSV’s 2023 Customer Survey were shared during meetings with health services in recent weeks, together with actions and next steps to address the feedback.

The 2023 Customer Survey showed HSV’s overall customer satisfaction at 75 per cent, and while this is a slight decline from last year’s 79 per cent, it’s a positive indicator in a time of significant change.

HSV invited more than 1,800 representatives from 161 health services to participate in this year’s survey and received 292 valid responses, reflecting a 16 per cent response rate – up from 12 per cent last year.

Director Customer Engagement Alfred Matthews says the feedback is vital in helping HSV to prioritise the issues that need to be addressed in FY24.

The slight decline in satisfaction is likely due to HSV’s change in focus as we moved beyond the COVID crisis management phase, which was highly valued by our customers, says Alfred.

HSV scored well in the areas of customer engagement, particularly the assistance provided by the Customer Relationship Managers, and communication, with consistent communication provided during emerging issues.

Areas that we need to improve on include reference groups, supporting local suppliers, and providing more information about our logistics operation.

Based on the feedback, there were three actions identified for FY24, endorsed by the Board earlier this month, including a review of reference group processes to create better engagement.

As part of this review, HSV will seek volunteers from regional and metropolitan health services to take part in customer focus groups later this year. Please reach out to your Customer Relationship Manager if you’re interested in taking part.

Work has also commenced on a plan to enable local suppliers to participate in HSV contracts more easily as well as improvements to our logistics planning and onboarding processes.

Alfred says the Customer Survey actions reflect health services priorities as well as HSV’s capacity to address these issues.

The 2022 Customer Survey identified 10 actions, six of which were completed in FY23, including developing a demand management platform, identifying new product lines, undertaking demand and supply planning, updating Purchasing Policies, measuring awareness of modern slavery risk and legislative compliance, and rolling out a value engagement program.

The remaining four initiatives – developing an economic sustainability strategy, frameworks for supplier relationship management and benefits reporting, and onboarding new customers – are in progress and due to be completed in FY24.