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- Advance notice - HSV Website Outage - Sunday 5 March
- Advanced notice - ECHO outage - Wednesday 6 September
- Victorian Product Catalogue System outage Sunday 19 November
- Qlik Sense outage Tuesday 30 January 2024
- Biodegradable and compostable plastics fact sheet
- Suppliers: how to respond to a tender
- HSV website outage - Thursday 29 February 2024
- Crowdstrike outage: No material impact on HSV customers identified
- Department of Health's Health Services Plan
- Consolidated HSV and Monash Health operations commence
- Contract updates now located under Notifications in My Dashboard
- Regular health service notifications now accessed via My Dashboard
- HSV Update
HSV Update navigation
- Customer focus delivers logistics service improvements
- Disinfectant shortage leads to first-time collaboration
- HSV has introduced a Master Supply Agreement for collective procurement activities
- Necessity the mother of invention – five initiatives that help hospitals respond to COVID-19
- Latest Procurement Activity Plan published as market conditions ease
- Loddon Mallee collaborative uniform tender extended to 12 health services
- Enhanced capability key to managing supply chain risk
- Procurement activities adapt to health service constraints
- New HSV supplier risk assessment tool supports Modern Slavery compliance
- New HSV Distribution Centre becomes Victorian RAT hub
- Effectively managing Lunar New Year supply challenges
- Positive response to HSV customer engagement ahead of PPE category tender
- OHS Act changes impact health services using labour hire workers
- Critical medicine shortages on the agenda at Victorian Medicines Roundtable
- New HSV Purchasing Policies now published
- Exemption for self-assessment and reporting FY 2021-22
- Health services tracking well on compliance audits
- Alternative services in place for clinical waste following facility outage
- Free access to ventilators benefits vulnerable Victorians
- HSV prepares to implement Oracle FMIS and WMS
- Meet the Supply Chain Surety team
- Improving product substitution for Victoria’s health services
- Rise in participation rate for 2023 HSV Customer Survey
- HSV Customer Survey coming in April
- Collaboration vital in navigating global shortage of heart attack medications
- New medical imaging equipment improving health outcomes in the Wimmera
- HSV adjusts PAP activity in response to continuing demand on health services
- Continuous improvement focus lifts inventory accuracy levels
- Regional corporate uniform tender a resounding success
- Health service site visits build on supply chain expertise
- Refreshed Procurement Activity Plan (FY23:H1) now available
- Logistics team to overhaul roll cage system at selected sites
- Next steps for the Health Purchasing Policies (HPP) review
- State Supply Chain on track for transition to HSV
- HSV supports Victorian IBAC survey on perceptions of corruption
- HSV forecast to deliver $190 million in benefits in FY23
- Working together the key to success
- Updated modern slavery resources available
- HSV procurement activity on track
- HSV logistics activities ramp up following successful SSC transition
- Working together to onboard Western Health hospitals
- Latest Procurement Activity Plan published
- HSV, government and clinicians mitigate product shortage impacts on health services
- New Victorian reference group established to address medicine shortages
- HSV equipment sourcing delivering value
- Supplier consultations a key focus for HSV’s Critical Supplies Register
- HSV builds logistics team and capability
- Procurement expertise provides relief for Gippsland health services
- Procurement recruitment drive to boost service provision
- Minister for Health visits HSV distribution centre
- High health service satisfaction with Modern Slavery program
- Equipment group buy supports facilities upgrade for Victorian forensic investigators
- Vital medical supplies donated to Ukrainian aid effort
- Customer survey shows improvement in satisfaction and engagement
- New Critical Supply Register to help manage supply chain risks
- Class of ’23 graduates with new Certificate IV qualification
- Balancing business as usual with major COVID effort
- Contract register data helping to plan future PAP activity
- Enhancing expertise ahead of supply chain expansion
- Health Purchasing Policies amendments update
- A consistent approach for Environmental, Social and Governance Policy
- Certificate IV in Procurement and Contracting kicks off with University of Canberra
- Working together for Workstations on Wheels
- Menu planning group buy delivers value for regional health services
- Essential medicines donated to Sri Lanka
- Informed decisions critical to optimal supply chain management
- Cardiology the focus of health service Critical Supply Register pilot
- Save the date: HSV Compliance and Purchasing Policies information sessions
- New seamless access to online learning now available
- New modern slavery training for health services
- 2022 HSV customer satisfaction survey actions approved
- Best of care from our bush-based nurses
- Floods challenge regional health supply lines
- HSV to manage the State Supply Chain from 2023
- Get ready for the single-use plastics ban
- Procurement Activity Plan refresh highlights challenging economic conditions
- Reducing the impact of medicine shortages on patients
- Enhanced capability drives logistics improvements
- Clinical collaboration at the heart of CSR Cardiology pilot
- Equipment sourcing activity forecast to double in 2023
- HSV logistics service levels scaling up
- Distribution Centre holiday season operating hours
- New online Contract Management training now available
- New helpdesk email address
- HealthShare Victoria launched
- HealthShare Victoria collaboration builds on current expertise
- Inaugural HSV Board and Chief Executive appointed
- New HSV distribution centre central to expanded supply chain operations
- Regional health services praise State Supply Chain reliability
- Good practices for Modern Slavery Statements shared at HSV workshop
- Sterilisation wrap stock centralised to ensure supply
- Victoria’s new public health supply chain on track to onboard first customers
- Collaboration leads to better outcomes for imaging equipment at Portland District Health
- Updated Fair Payment Policy impacts some HSV contracts
- HSV refreshes community of learning program for Modern Slavery compliance
- HSV statewide contracts help deliver health service savings and benefits in FY21
- New supply chain operations commence
- HSV procurement approach to increase health service involvement, transparency and information
- Supply chain surety a key HSV focus
- New scanning technology to give health services real time data about reusable waste containers
- Compliance: Exemption for self-assessment and attestation reporting requirements for FY2020-21
- New EPA waste tracking system to take effect from 1 July 2021
- Upcoming Victorian Renewable Energy Target auction confirmed
- The latest top performers in publishing data to National Product Catalogue
- COVID-19 vaccines special bulletin
- Ongoing savings and benefits for health services in 2021-22
- Strong and positive response to HSV’s first Procurement Activity Plan
- Improving health service access to critical medicines
- Smooth transition for first supply chain customers
- HSV leads by example in social procurement
- Helping health services assess modern slavery risk in supply chains
- Reference group participants key to procurement program success
- COVID-19 puts health payroll and HRIS project on hold
- Online library a valuable source of PPE information
- HSV’s discovery workshops support project reset
- HSV PPE stocks have no impact on supplier shortages
- HSV reconfirms centralised PPE ordering and distribution arrangements
- HSV plans, prepares and responds to COVID-19 transmission risk
- Strategic goals shared at September briefings
- New HSV senior executive appointments to drive strategic objectives
- HSV Procurement Activity Plan highlights savings and benefits
- HSV supply chain operations set to move to bigger Derrimut site
- 1.5 million masks a week for Victorian public hospitals
- Putting critical medicines for COVID-19 patients in close reach
- Report highlights HSV focus on maintaining PPE supplies during pandemic
- Supply and logistics operations – business as usual plus COVID-19
- Inaugural HSV Annual Report published
- New contract to reduce Rapid Antigen Test costs for health services
- Health sector engagement key to procurement planning
- HSV opens Victoria’s largest warehouse for public health goods
- Up-classification of surgical mesh devices
- Five minutes with HSV Executive Director Supply Chain Mili Cohen
- Customer Survey action plan to address 2023 key findings gets underway
- From toolboxes to tuggers: A day in the life of the Derrimut DC
- How valuable health service feedback shapes HSV procurement activities
- Providers step in to safeguard non-emergency patient transport services in Hume
- Combined effort helps ease national shortage of critical maternal health product
- Site visits boost understanding of logistics issues
- More than 1000 products to be included on Victoria’s Critical Supplies Register
- Tender review process to be rolled out across HSV procurement streams
- HSV Purchasing Policies online learning modules now available on ECHO
- HSV continues engagement with regional Victorian health services
- Catering working group establishes important ties in Gippsland
- Access to HSV contracts supports specialist health service’s growth
- Victorian Clinical Product Advisors gather in the CBD for inaugural symposium
- HSV IT contract attracts more than 100,000 users in 12 months
- Detailed feedback received on latest HSV draft Procurement Activity Plan
- Equipment sourcing program continues to achieve strong outcomes
- HSV monitors supply of specialised antibiotics during global shortage
- Distribution Centre holiday season operating hours
- More than 300 suppliers attend HSV modern slavery information sessions
- Health service input to Procurement Activity Plan vital in managing costs
- Work continues to bolster health supply chain for critical products
- HSV’s Logistics team progresses onboarding work with regional health services
- HSV Customer Survey open for feedback until 8 March
- HSV’s advice on Australian standards for biodegradable plastics
- Lean methodology drives continuous improvement at HSV Distribution Centres
- Risk mapping tool improves supply chain visibility and response times
- HSV customer site visits continue ahead of FY25 consolidation plan
- Fourteen regional health services benefit from free access to hospital equipment
- HSV Procurement and Executive teams tour newly expanded Latrobe Regional Hospital
- Victorian IBAC survey on perceptions of corruption open for submissions
- Health services gain free access to critical COVID antiviral medication
- Equipment sourcing program supports regional health services
- HSV Clinical Product Advisors continue to educate sector on procurement operations
- HealthShare Victoria organisational update
- Preparations to commission Dandenong South Distribution Centre well underway
- Regional engagement supports upcoming tender strategy for Aids and Appliances
- Health services gather to collaborate on future pharmaceutical procurement strategy
- HealthShare Victoria Organisational Update
- Mammography group buy brings latest technology to regional and mobile screening centres
- Logistics efficiency measures increase labour utilisation as volume levels lift
- PASA Conference puts spotlight on future trends, growth of big data and AI
- Professor Andrew Way appointed as new HSV Board Chair
- Latest Procurement Activity Plan published following extensive consultation
- Centralised approach key in tackling intravenous paracetamol shortages
- HSV organisational structure changes align teams for future growth
- Safety initiatives enhance HSV’s commitment to safety
- New software licensing agreement keeps costs down for health sector
- Two new members appointed to HSV Board
- HSV modern slavery event provides practical tips to mitigate risk
- Latest HSV Customer Survey highlights areas of focus for 2025 financial year
- Logistics consolidation work continues with successful Austin Health trial
- Clinical Product Advisors gather for procurement roundtable at Lorne
- Derrimut DC team rallies in response to urgent call from Royal Melbourne Hospital
- Medical personal protective equipment listed for auction
- HSV helps to secure radiology and mammography units for Bairnsdale residents
- Successful communication of system outage minimises impact on health services
- HSV identifies significant cost savings for Footscray Hospital
- Procurement Activity Plan refresh highlights cost reduction focus
- New HSV-developed assessment tool helps gauge modern slavery risk
- Health services meet to prioritise pharmaceutical procurement opportunities
- Dedication of Western Health staff ensures new agreements deliver cost benefits
- Gippsland health service leads first collaborative uniform tender in the region
- United effort key to successful management of heart medication shortage
- A look inside HSV’s new Dandenong South DC
- New building trades contract supports expansion of secure mental health unit
- Department of Health partners with HSV to enhance cyber security for health services
- Visit to Mildura Base Public Hospital strengthens partnership
- Regional engagement supports strategy for greenfield sterilisation consumables tender
- HSV’s Annual Clinical Product Advisor Symposium explores innovations in patient safety
- Centralised approach to modern slavery risk assessment working well for health services
- Limited time to order remaining PPE stock before State Supply Chain winds down
- Refreshed Procurement Activity Plan now available
- Distribution Centre holiday season operating hours
- Health services take creative approach to unlocking more value from Procurement Activity Plan
- Proposed Aids and Appliances tender strategy gets support from health services
- New eSignature software agreement set to slash costs for sector
- First regional clinical tender a success for Gippsland health services
- Site visit highlights value of sharing ideas for continuous improvement
- Announcements
- Procurement
Procurement navigation
- Contracts and tenders
Contracts and tenders navigation
- Purchasing Policies
Purchasing Policies navigation
- HSV Purchasing Policies
HSV Purchasing Policies navigation
- Modern slavery risk in supply chains
Modern slavery risk in supply chains navigation
- HSV Purchasing Policies
- Logistics
Logistics navigation
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- HealthShare Victoria: confidentiality declaration
- Conflict of Interest Policy Purpose
- Riskware - Successfully Logged out
- Conflict of Interest Policy Purpose