Reference groups

We collaborate with health services during procurement to make sure we choose the best-value products and services for our collective agreement contracts.

Health service employees participate in reference groups to determine the requirements for our product and service tenders. They:

  • identify areas for tender
  • develop tender evaluation criteria, standards and specifications
  • identify key users of products
  • consider factors relevant to local, regional and small-and-medium potential supplier enterprises
  • make recommendations for awarding contracts
  • are bound by a code of conduct and confidentiality agreement.

How to join a reference group

A 'nomination coordinator' from each health service is appointed by our Customer Engagement team. Nomination coordinators nominate their colleagues for reference groups and the chief executive of their service determines the outcome.

To find out who the nomination coordinator is at your health service, contact your Customer Relationship Manager or contact our Helpdesk.

How to submit a nomination for a reference group

Nominations for reference groups should be submitted through the Nominations Portal in the My Dashboard customer area.

Please note, you must be logged in to access the Nominations Portal and access is limited to health service employees.

More information

For more information on reference groups, please see the reference group guides in our Contract and tender resources section.



Content reviewed: January 2024