Modern slavery risk in supply chains
There is significant risk of modern slavery in health sector supply chains. The United Nations estimates that modern slavery affects 50 million people world-wide. For an overview of modern slavery, visit the Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department website.
We consult on modern slavery risk in health sector supply chains. Our approach to modern slavery risk mitigation is detailed in our modern slavery position statement.
Understanding your risk mitigation obligations
The Modern Slavery Act 2018 requires large businesses to report on modern slavery risk mitigation. This applies to businesses with annual revenue of at least $100 million.
Health services
To assist health services that are required to comply with the Modern Slavery Act, we provide support, guidance, tools and templates to health services. We also offer modern slavery risk mitigation training.
Please note, access to our modern slavery resources and training for health services is limited to registered and logged in health service employees.
Suppliers on HSV collective agreement contracts are required to comply with HSV supplier minimum standards and, if applicable, the Modern Slavery Act. See the Modern slavery risk mitigation for suppliers page for details and resources.
To assist suppliers comply with the Modern Slavery Act, we also offer risk mitigation training.
How to report modern slavery
You can report suspected cases of modern slavery to one of the following organisations. In an emergency, or if a child is concerned, dial 000 to get emergency assistance.
- Visit the Australian Federal Police – Human trafficking and slavery website for more information
- Email the Attorney-General's Modern Slavery Business Engagement Unit:
- Visit the Anti-Slavery Australia - What to do if you suspect slavery website for more information
More information
For queries about our role in supporting modern slavery risk mitigation, please contact our Modern Slavery team at
The Attorney-General's Department - Modern Slavery Business Engagement Unit also offers guidance and support via
For information on modern slavery in business at the international level, the United Nations has published their Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Content reviewed: June 2024