Sustainable procurement

The supply chains involved in purchasing goods and services have significant environmental, social, and economic impacts. Materials and manufacturing, product distribution, and end products all have an environmental impact.

Two-thirds of the environmental footprint from the healthcare sector comes from the products used. 

Supply chains can meet healthcare needs and preserve our environment for future generations through:

  • applying environmentally sensitive design principles to product design
  • using renewable energy sources for manufacturing products
  • cleaner manufacturing processes
  • using sustainable packaging
  • implementing lower carbon logistics practices.
  • ethical sourcing
  • product stewardship.

Our commitment to sustainable procurement

We apply the Social Procurement Framework and a local jobs first policy as part of our value for money approach to procurement and work to ensure that the Supplier Code of ConductFair Jobs Code, and Modern Slavery Act compliance are met.

Our initiatives to support improvements in supply chain sustainability including: 

  • Investigating way we can mitigate sustainability risks.
  • Evaluating environmental management systems and plans during tenders.
  • Procuring environmentally preferred goods and services where possible.
  • Supporting Victorian government policies and programs related to sustainability, including:
    • Setting minimum standards for using paper at work.
    • Procuring renewable energy certificates.
    • Implementing the Social Procurement Framework.
    • Setting up a regional health service solar energy program.
    • Making changes to products as part of the single-use plastics ban regulation.
    • Exploring how we can minimise waste through circular economy practices.

Visit the Social procurement page to learn more about the Social Procurement Framework.

Sustainable procurement resources

See our sustainable, environmental and social procurement resources on our Procurement practice resources page.



Content reviewed: December 2023