HPVITS2021-041.001: Catering Supplies Supplementary

Upcoming Tender

Market release date: 22 May 2024

Option periods: 01/12/2026 - 30/11/2028


ITS for supplier of poultry products to Victorian public health services.

Additional information

Industry Briefing

An industry Briefing will be held for the upcoming HPVITS2021-041.001 Catering Supplies Supplementary request for tender. The briefing will provide general information including tender scope, specification overview and provide detailed information on how to complete the response via the HSV Procurement Portal. It is advised that those responsible for completing the submission attend.

Date: 8 May 2024

Time: 10.30am - 12.00pm

Venue: Microsoft Teams - online session

Please note, as this will be an online briefing via Teams, attendee contact information (email) will be visible to other attendees.

Register your interest (max. 3 attendees) by emailing the full name, job title and email address of all proposed attendees to helpdesk@healthsharevic.org.au with the title “HPVITS2021-041.001 Catering Supplies Supplementary”.

The tender is anticipated to be released to the market around 22 May 2024. When available, documentation will be available from the HSV Procurement Portal. Suppliers are required to register on the HSV website prior to being able to access documentation. To register for a supplier account:  https://healthsharevic.org.au/register/

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Dry, Chilled and Frozen Pantry
Fresh Poultry