HPVITS2026-115: Pathology Equipment and Associated Consumables

Upcoming Tender

Market release date: 13 Aug 2025


Pre-qualified supplier panel for Pathology Equipment and Associated Consumables.

Additional information

HSV is refreshing and re-scoping this panel with a view to having a new agreement in place by 01/02/2026.

Dates are indicative, and this information will be updated as the process progresses.

 Information for prospective suppliers

All suppliers who wish to join the panel must:

  • Successfully undergo a pre-qualification process, demonstrating their capacity and capability to supply equipment within one or more of the modalities within the scope of this panel.
  • Submit comprehensive sales data within scope of the agreement.
  • Agree to terms and conditions of the header agreement, under which all equipment and associated services within the scope of the panel will be supplied to Participating Health Services.
  • Financial Assessment (undertaken by Equifax on behalf of HPV)
  • Insurance Requirements ($20m Public and Professional liability)

For further information on joining the panel, please email the Category Manager and Senior Category Managers for this category: Carolina Munoz to c.munoz@healthsharevic.org.au and Ian Sheo to i.sheo@healthsharevic.org.au. 



This panel is segmented into the following 7 categories:

Anatomical Pathology
Chemical Pathology
Molecular Pathology
Point of Care Testing
Generic Equipment
Participating Health Services