Reporting on the HSV Purchasing Policies
Sections 2.2 e) and 2.2 f) of HSV Purchasing Policy 1. Governance outline the reports Victorian public health services are required to prepare under the HSV Purchasing Policies (HSV PPs).
For information on how we assess health service compliance with the HSV PPs see the assessing compliance with the HSV Purchasing Policies page.
Reporting requirements
The reports health services are required to prepare include:
- a triannual audit of compliance with the HSV PPs
- an annual self-assessment of compliance with the HSV PPs
- an annual attestation of compliance with the HSV PPs
- an annual procurement activity plan, contract register and on-selling arrangements
- real time status reporting on compliance with HSV contracts
- ongoing reporting of noncompliance with the HSV PPs.
See details of each requirement below.
Triannual audits
Every three years, health services must conduct an audit of their compliance with the HSV HPPs. HSV sets a triannual audit schedule for each health service. However, if we have compliance concerns, we may request a spot audit at any time.
The triannual audit schedule is published to the CPO Compliance Portal.
Triannual audits are due by 30 June of the scheduled year.
Annual self-assessments
Health services must assess their compliance with the HSV PPs every year. This includes assessing their compliance with HSV contracts and supply chain requirements.
Health services must use the annual self-assessment template for the annual self-assessment report.
Annual self-assessments are due by 31 May each year.
Annual attestation
Health services must publish an annual attestation of their compliance with the HSV PPs in their annual report of operations.
Annual procurement activity plans, contract registers and on-selling arrangements
At the end of every financial year, health services must submit three activity reports:
- A procurement activity plan (PAP). The plan must include all anticipated activities for the next 12 to 18 months.
- A contract register listing all current contracts in place at the time of submission.
- Details of all product on-selling arrangements.
Health services must use the activity report template for their activity reports.
Activity reports are due by 31 May each year.
Real time status reporting
Health services must report in real time on their compliance with HSV contracts and supply chain requirements. For example, health services must report when they transition to new HSV contracts following a transition period.
Ongoing reporting of non-compliance
Health services must report any non-compliance with the HSV HPPs that is high risk. Non-compliance is high risk if it is likely to have a significant impact on the health service.
How to submit reports
Health services must submit compliance reports to HSV via our CPO Compliance Portal.
Reporting tools and templates
We have a range of reporting tools and templates available to assist health services to comply with the HSV PPs. Health services are expected to use the templates for their reports.
Content reviewed: November 2024