Reporting on the HSV Purchasing Policies
Schedule 1 and 5 health services are required to comply with the requirements of the Purchasing Policies, together with other legislative reporting obligations as set out in the Health Services Act 1988 (Vic).
This group is accountable for their compliance to the HealthShare Victoria Purchasing Policies (HSV PPs) (subsection 134(3) of the Act refers). In relation to HSV PP compliance, these obligations include reporting requirements as outlined under section 2.2 e) and 2.2 f) of the HSV Purchasing Policy 1 Governance.
HSV has a legislated responsibility to monitor compliance with HSV Purchasing Policies and HSV directions, and to report irregularities to the Minister.
Health service reporting obligations
Audit program
A health service is required to conduct a compliance audit:
- Every three years as per the auditing schedule (tri-annual auditing program).
- As requested by HSV, if it has concerns about a health service’s compliance standing (spot audits).
A health service is required to submit their audit report by 30 June of the nominated year for the tri-annual auditing program.
HSV may require a spot audit to be conducted as part of an escalated compliance approach, or when the potential risks and/or harms substantiate the action (for example, protected disclosures or media investigations).
Annual attestation to HSV PPs in health services' annual report of operations
Health service must publish an annual attestation of compliance with the HSV PPs in its annual report of operations for that financial year (i.e. the health service annual report).
Annual compliance self-assessment to HSV PPs and HSV Collective Agreements and Supply Chain
The self-assessment requires a health service to review its compliance against the HSV PPs and HSV Collective Agreements and Supply Chain and make an online submission to HSV by 31 May of each financial year.
Annual Submission of Health Service Procurement Activity Plan, Contracts Register and On-selling Arrangements
Health services are required to submit the following activity reports to HSV each financial year:
- a procurement activity plan (PAP) consisting of all procurement activities that the health service anticipates taking to market in the next 12-18 months
- a current contract register with a list of all current contracts in place, at the time of submission
- details of all on-selling arrangements
Reporting activities - procurement activity plan/contract register/on-selling template
Real time status reporting with HSV Collective Agreements
This is an ongoing requirement to provide ‘real time’ status reports of compliance with HSV Collective Agreements and Supply Chain. For example, to confirm transition to a new HSV Collective Agreement at the end of the transition period.
Ongoing obligation for health services to report non-compliance
Health services are expected to report to HSV non-compliance which is high-risk and likely to have a significant impact on the health service.
Report material non-compliance issues
Further information about health service reporting requirements is detailed in the HSV compliance guidelines.
How to report
Mandated and eligible health services can report their compliance via the CPO Compliance Portal. The CPO Compliance Portal is an online tool available on the HSV website. Eligible users can access the tool via their HSV Dashboard.
All mandated and eligible health services must report their progress and activities against HealthShare Victoria policies and legislation, according to individual reporting requirements.
Compliance with policy is important. Policies and legislative requirements support health services to do the right thing, maintaining the integrity of public hospital and health service procurement and achieving best value supply chain outcomes for Victoria’s health sector.
HSV Compliance Framework
The HSV Compliance Framework explains the organisation’s approach to managing and supporting compliance in the Victorian health sector. It is informed by HSV's legislative functions under the Health Services Act 1988 (Vic).
- Our key compliance activities prioritise support and prevention, compliance monitoring and the understanding of emerging compliance priorities.
- Health services are accountable for their compliance to HSV Purchasing Policies.
- The five HSV Health Purchasing Policies outline a number of requirements for health services relating to their procurement functions, including ongoing reporting obligations.
- Find out more about the HSV Compliance Framework.
Triannual audits
Every three years, health services must conduct an audit of their compliance with the HSV HPPs. HSV sets a triannual audit schedule for each health service. However, if we have compliance concerns, we may request a spot audit at any time.
The triannual audit schedule is published to the CPO Compliance Portal.
Triannual audits are due by 30 June of the scheduled year.
Annual procurement activity plans, contract registers and on-selling arrangements
At the end of every financial year, health services must submit three activity reports:
- A procurement activity plan (PAP). The plan must include all anticipated activities for the next 12 to 18 months.
- A contract register listing all current contracts in place at the time of submission.
- Details of all product on-selling arrangements.
Health services must use the activity report template for their activity reports.
Activity reports are due by 30 June each year.
Ongoing reporting of non-compliance
Health services must report any non-compliance with the HSV HPPs that is high risk. Non-compliance is high risk if it is likely to have a significant impact on the health service.
How to submit reports
Health services must submit compliance reports to HSV via our CPO Compliance Portal.
Reporting tools and templates
We have a range of reporting tools and templates available to assist health services to comply with the HSV PPs. Health services are expected to use the templates for their reports.
Content reviewed: November 2024