Contract management course

HealthShare Victoria (HSV) has developed this course for health service staff involved in the sourcing and purchasing of products and services, and the management, operation or administration of contracts.  The course covers the end-to-end procurement lifecycle.

The course is designed to promote the importance of the role of the contract manager and improve staff contribution to good contract management and the continuous improvement of the category/s they manage.

The overall objective of the course is to further develop the knowledge of health service staff in the roles, responsibilities and obligations involved in sourcing and contract management.

Course summary

The course has six modules with training notes  available to download as a PDF  within each module. Each module should take approximately 20 minutes to complete. 

Module 1. Introduction

  • Introduction to definition of contract owner and manager
  • The key themes of specifications/requirements
  • Notes for next time
  • Probity and integrity

Module 2. Contract management lifecycle steps 1 to 4

  1. Opportunity assessment
  2. Engagement
  3. Analysis
  4. Sourcing strategy

Module 3. Contract management lifecycle step 5

  • Invitation to supply (ITS)
  • ITS documents
  • Building specification/requirements of what is required
  • Options
  • Key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Go to market

Module 4. Contract management lifecycle step 6

  • Value for money
  • Scoring
  • How to manage poor past performance
  • Negotiation

Module 5. Contract management lifecycle steps 7 and 8

  • Step 7 Contract transition as we move to a new contract or provider
  • Step 8 the various functions and actions of contract management

Module 6. Summary of contract management responsibilities and obligations

  • Summary of contract management responsibilities and obligations
  • Definitions
  • Follow up probity training access and contact details

Access the training

Training is provided via HSV's ECHO eLearning platform. To access ECHO:

If you already have an HSV website account

  1. Log into the HSV website via the 'Log in' option in the main navigation.
  2. From your My Dashboard home page select 'ECHO'.
  3. Once inside ECHO, select ‘My Learning’ from the menu to access courses.

If you don’t have an HSV website account

  1. Select the 'Register' option in the main navigation
  2. Within the registration form, select 'Health Service' as your user type.
  3. Within the registration form, check the box for access to ECHO training.

Read the ECHO user guide for more information on the ECHO eLearning platform.