HPVITS2022-222: State-Wide Laundry and Linen Services

Current Tender

Market release date: 16 Sep 2024


Purpose of the Invitation to Supply (ITS)

The Statewide Laundry and Linen Services tender comprises delivery of clean linen to and collection of soiled linen from specific delivery points for participating health services.
A panel arrangement is sought.

HSV Procurement Portal

Note: Respondents are required to submit their tender response through HSV Procurement Portal only via the website: www.healthsharevic.org.au

Key Dates

The tender released on Monday16th September, 2024.
The closing date for questions associated with the ITS will be 24th October 2024.
The closing date for this ITS is 28th October 2024.
This activity will be open for six weeks.

HSV Helpdesk

Please contact our helpdesk for any further assistance by email to: helpdesk@healthsharevic.org.au.

Additional information

A second Industry Briefing was held for potential respondents of the State-wide Laundry and Linen Services tender on 19 September 2024. 

The briefing Slide Pack and Q&A are now available in the 'Attachments' section of the ITS in the HSV Procurement portal (Jaggaer).



Laundry services