HPVC2021-126: Spinal Prostheses

Current Contract

Contract start date: 01 Jul 2022

Contract end date: 30 Jun 2026

Option periods: no further options


Contract for the provision of a range of spinal prostheses to participating Victorian public health services.

Additional information

HSV has concluded the resourcing event for the Spinal Prostheses category and has executed the agreements with the successful suppliers. 


The new pricing schedule and user guide will go live as of 01 July 2022. 


If you have any queries, please contact helpdesk@healthsharevic.org.au




001: Screws and Caps
002: Cages and Spacers
003: Rods, Crosslinks and Connectors
004: Plates and Screw Sets, End Plates and Staples
005: Hooks
006: Wires, Cables and Tapes
007: Miscellaneous
008: Spine-Specific Bone Substitutes