HPVC2022-174: Building Services - Trades Metro
Current Contract
Contract start date: 01 Apr 2024
Contract end date: 31 Mar 2027
Option periods: 2 x 2 years
Category ScopeElectrical installation, maintenance, and repairs;
Plumbing installation, maintenance, and repairs;
Painting and decorating installation, maintenance, and repairs;
Building installation, maintenance, and repairs;
Additional information
The supplier, who is also referred to as the vendor, must provide the above services within the context of reactive and preventative maintenance, as well as minor and major projects. These services must be provided by the suppliers offering the in-scope trade services.
This panel has common terms across suppliers, and the standard contract terms for each agreement are accessible via the agreement template in 'contract files'.
For assistance please contact HealthShare Victoria HELPDESK:
Electrical installation, maintenance, and repairs;Plumbing installation, maintenance, and repairs;
Painting and decorating installation, maintenance, and repairs;
Building installation, maintenance, and repairs;