Medical equipment sourcing

Mandated health services can source medical equipment through a pre-approved panel of suppliers. Suppliers on panels have:

  • successfully completed a pre-qualification process.
  • agreed to terms and conditions that cover all equipment supplied within scope.

We can support health services to source equipment through:

  1. A health service led invitation to supply: Health services may conduct their own invitation to supply and we can assist with advice, price benchmarking and negotiation.
  2. An HSV led invitation to supply: We can lead an invitation to supply on behalf of health services to help achieve the best commercial and technical outcomes.
  3. An HSV consolidated purchase: When the requirements of multiple health services align, we can lead an invitation to supply on behalf of a group of health services to facilitate additional volume-based incentives.

Medical equipment categories

Our collective agreements cover several equipment categories. Select a category from the list below for information.

Please note, you must be logged in to the website to view these pages and access is limited to employees of public health services.

Medical equipment sourcing resources

See our medical equipment sourcing resources on the Procurement practice resources page.



Content reviewed: January 2024