Probity training

HealthShare Victoria’s online probity training comprises three programs designed to support healthcare organisations to maintain good probity practice.

Ethical decision-making and appropriate probity strategies benefit any organisation:

  • Avoid risks by enhancing accountability and transparency
  • Promote procurement decision-making which is objective, documented and defensible
  • Minimise complaints about procurement practices by helping staff to identify potential issues early and pre-empting probity issues
  • Promote good financial management and achieve best value outcomes

Our programs

From procurement professionals to on-the-ground staff and board members, our online programs reflect the diverse needs and skills of health care organisations. There’s a course to suit everyone at your health service.

  • Procurement professionals: staff members whose primary role is to manage sourcing events, and/or manage contracts and suppliers.
  • Clinical, operational and non-procurement staff: staff members who are involved in sourcing processes or have regular contact with suppliers as part of their broader role.
  • Board, executives and chief procurement officers: people who have responsibility for the governance of the procurement function within a health service and need to be aware of and/or manage procurement risks within health services.

Each tailored course takes approximately 90 minutes to complete and comprises three modules:

  • Probity fundamentals
  • Practical application
  • Case study 

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency requires all registered nurses and midwives to annually meet the continuing professional development (CPD) standards required. The time invested in active learning through HSV's online probity training contributes to CPD requirements. 

Once you complete the training you will receive a certificate and your training is recorded in HSV’s eLearning Centre for Health Outcomes – ECHO. Once the training is completed, staff will receive a Certificate of Completion and can then log their training to form part of their CPD.

Access the training

Training is provided via HSV's ECHO eLearning platform. To access ECHO:

If you already have an HSV website account

  1. Log into the HSV website via the 'Log in' option in the main navigation.
  2. From your My Dashboard home page select 'ECHO'.
  3. Once inside ECHO, select ‘My Learning’ from the menu to access courses.

If you don’t have an HSV website account

  1. Select the 'Register' option in the main navigation
  2. Within the registration form, select 'Health Service' as your user type.
  3. Within the registration form, check the box for access to ECHO training.

Read the ECHO user guide for more information on the ECHO eLearning platform.