Modern slavery risk mitigation training

Modern slavery describes situations where offenders use coercion, threats, or deception to exploit people and undermine their freedom. Modern slavery is estimated to effect 50 million people across the globe. Therefore, there is a high risk that it is present in health service supply chains.

Health service training

Access the training

Training is provided via HSV's ECHO eLearning platform. To access ECHO:

If you already have an HSV website account

  1. Log into the HSV website via the 'Log in' option in the main navigation.
  2. From your My Dashboard home page select 'ECHO'.
  3. Once inside ECHO, select ‘My Learning’ from the menu to access courses.

If you don’t have an HSV website account

  1. Select the 'Register' option in the main navigation
  2. Within the registration form, select 'Health Service' as your user type.
  3. Within the registration form, check the box for access to ECHO training.

Read the ECHO user guide for more information on the ECHO eLearning platform.

More information 

For more information, please email or contact your Customer Relationship Manager.

Supplier training

HealthShare Victoria (HSV) has developed these modules to increase knowledge and awareness of modern slavery. These modules are available to all suppliers to the Victorian public health sector.

Other modern slavery resources

We also provide resources for health services and suppliers to support their commitment to the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) with the aim of reducing modern slavery risk in the health sector.