HSV Update

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23 February 2023

New HSV Purchasing Policies now published

It is HSV’s role to ensure health service procurement governance reflects current requirements in the legal, operational and risk environments. In line with this responsibility, we completed a review in 2022 of the Health Purchasing Policies first established in 2017.

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HSV PP thumb pic

23 February 2023

Effectively managing Lunar New Year supply challenges

Since being established in 2022, HSV’s Supply Chain Surety team has been focused on establishing a proactive surety process to complement its reactive work to manage and mitigate supply chain risk for Victoria’s public health system.

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Effectively managing Lunar New Year supply challenges

23 February 2023

Enhanced capability key to managing supply chain risk

Concerns over an increase in snake bite presentations to Melbourne emergency departments after the Victorian floods prompted the Department of Health to call upon HSV’s supply chain surety expertise.

Read More Enhanced capability key to managing supply chain risk
Enhanced capability key to managing supply chain risk