HSV Update

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2 September 2021

Strong and positive response to HSV’s first Procurement Activity Plan

HealthShare Victoria (HSV) shared our revised Procurement Activity Plan (PAP) and approach to procurement activity planning at a presentation on 13 July 2021, at the same time launching the initial round of health service consultation with mandated health services.

Read More Strong and positive response to HSV’s first Procurement Activity Plan
HSV Environmental 18

2 September 2021

Ongoing savings and benefits for health services in 2021-22

HealthShare Victoria (HSV) is continuing to deliver for health services in 2021 –22, recording $11.9 million in savings and benefits to the health sector so far this year, and tracking well to deliver $149 million to the sector by the end of this financial year.

Read More Ongoing savings and benefits for health services in 2021-22
HealthShare Victoria