HSV Update

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19 November 2021

Inaugural HSV Annual Report published

HealthShare Victoria’s first Annual Report has been tabled in the Victorian Parliament and is now publicly available on the HSV website.

Read More Inaugural HSV Annual Report published
Annual report cover shadow thumbnail

19 November 2021

Supply and logistics operations – business as usual plus COVID-19

HealthShare Victoria’s (HSV’s) Tullamarine Distribution Centre (DC) supply chain team continues to focus on service delivery for our seven major health service customers. Performance tracking and improvement can be seen with the team’s fill rate – the percentage of products delivered to HSV’s health service customers when requested – exceeding...

Read More Supply and logistics operations – business as usual plus COVID-19
Supply and logistics operations business as usual plus COVID 19

19 November 2021

Report highlights HSV focus on maintaining PPE supplies during pandemic

A report released by the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office (VAGO) has described the challenges faced by HealthShare Victoria (HSV) while ensuring ongoing supplies of essential personal protective equipment (PPE) for Victoria’s health sector during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read More Report highlights HSV focus on maintaining PPE supplies during pandemic
HSV, government and clinicians mitigate product shortage impacts on health services

19 November 2021

Putting critical medicines for COVID-19 patients in close reach

HealthShare Victoria (HSV) is collaborating with the Department of Health (DH) and pharmacy directors at Victorian health services to centralise the supply of critical medicines for COVID-19 patients and ensure supply is conserved for where it is needed most.

Read More Putting critical medicines for COVID-19 patients in close reach
Putting critical medicines for COVID 19 patients in close reach