HSV Update

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11 March 2022

Exemption for self-assessment and reporting FY 2021-22

In line with our commitment to support health services during the COVID-19 pandemic, HSV has applied an exemption to the following reporting requirements for mandated health services for the financial year 2021-22.

Read More Exemption for self-assessment and reporting FY 2021-22
HealthShare Victoria

11 March 2022

OHS Act changes impact health services using labour hire workers

Victoria’s Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHS Act) has recently changed. Health services using labour hire workers should be aware of the changes to the Act, which provide additional rights and protections for labour hire workers.

Read More OHS Act changes impact health services using labour hire workers
HealthShare Victoria

11 March 2022

New HSV Distribution Centre becomes Victorian RAT hub

HealthShare Victoria (HSV) opened Victoria’s largest distribution centre for public health goods in December 2021 and it has already proved valuable as a hub for Victoria’s Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs).

Read More New HSV Distribution Centre becomes Victorian RAT hub
RATs for Victoria