HSV Update

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3 September 2021

Online library a valuable source of PPE information

At the height of Victoria’s second wave of COVID-19 infections in 2020, Victoria’s public hospitals and hotels used an average of 900,000 masks per week sourced by HealthShare Victoria (HSV) and centrally distributed to public health services through the State Supply Chain (SSC).

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Online library a valuable source of PPE information

3 September 2021

COVID-19 puts health payroll and HRIS project on hold

A new project that HealthShare Victoria (HSV) had been working on to improve sector-wide management of Victoria’s public health payroll and human resource information systems has been put on hold until pandemic conditions ease.

Read More COVID-19 puts health payroll and HRIS project on hold
HealthShare Victoria

2 September 2021

Helping health services assess modern slavery risk in supply chains

As part of our program of support, HealthShare Victoria (HSV) has completed modern slavery risk assessments with 200 contracted suppliers of collective purchasing agreements in May and June 2021, with the findings shared with health services in August.

Read More Helping health services assess modern slavery risk in supply chains
HealthShare Victoria