28 October 2024

Consolidated HSV and Monash Health operations commence

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Monash Health’s logistics function is now consolidated into the operations of the HealthShare Victoria (HSV) supply chain, effective as planned from Monday 21 October 2024.

HSV has established a new second operational distribution centre (DC) in Dandenong South to support this consolidation, with fit-out, safety, recruitment, IT and stock build activities starting in early 2024.

From 28 October 2024, HSV commenced supplying clinical consumable products to Monash Health, with the first delivery from the Dandenong South DC picked and packed, ready to reach its destination the following morning.

“The consolidation of Monash Health into HSV’s supply chain has been a complex undertaking, with many elements to get right to ensure a smooth transition,” says HSV Chief Executive Neil Rodaway.

“We thank Monash Health for their contribution, hard work and expertise as we worked together to consolidate our supply chain functions."

“Monash Health is our foundation customer for this site. More health services will be brought on at Dandenong South and at Derrimut as part of a broader consolidation of health purchasing and logistics activity across the state,” Neil says.

“We aim to work with our customers to reduce their supply chain and product costs as we capture a greater share of their health supply chain spend.”  

Customers should not experience any change in the service they receive from HSV as a result of this transition, which is part of a broader consolidation of health purchasing and logistics activity across the state.

Benefits of the consolidation will include:

  • access to an increased DC range for HSV’s onboarded health services
  • consistency of supply of DC range with over 95 per cent delivered in full on time
  • statewide savings achieved through purchasing benefits.

For any support in relation to the supply chain consolidation, please contact the HSV Helpdesk at helpdesk@healthsharevic.org.au.


Above image: HSV's new DC in Dandenong South