HPVC2019-019: Examination and Surgical Gloves

Current Contract

Contract start date: 01 Sep 2019

Contract end date: 30 Apr 2025

Option periods: Nil


Provision of Examination and Surgical Gloves to Victorian public hospitals and health services.

Additional information

HSV Announcement: HSV is conducting an industry briefing for the new upcoming PPE consolidated tender which will include Hand Hygiene & Chemical Disinfectant Products. 

Please see link here: https://healthsharevic.org.au/contracts-and-tenders/tenders/details/520

Otherwise search PPE under upcoming ITS activities on the HSV website. 

Industry Briefing will occur on the 20th of May 11:30 AM. 

Please register your company interest (maximum three attendees including name and email address) for the Industry Briefing via email to a.mina@healthsharevic.org.au before Friday, 17 May 2024 11.30 pm.


Contract Details

The Principal Period will commence on the 1st of September 2019 until 31st August 2022.

This Option period will be running until 31st October 2024.

(Nil option remaining)

Contract Extension approved until 30th April 2025.


01: Examination Gloves
02: Surgical Gloves
03: Glove Dispensers